Engineers at Loughborough University release a head restraint and car seats system designed to reduce whiplash all the way through rear-end vehicle collisions.

Whiplash injuries are particular traumas suffered from an on road collision and although relatively harmless, adware and spyware can take some time to heal, impacting on the activities of the sufferer.

The fresh new system consists of a head restraint and as well seat that reacts simultaneously by means of the impact to provide immediate support on the head. Scientists from Loughborough As well as college say that the car seat and top of the head restraint have been designed to react together as the driver and/or passenger’s total pushes back against the seat in case of a car hitting the back of your vehicle.

The scientists mention that this can help limit the different movements between the person’ s head and torso will probably cause whiplash injuries when top-quality accidents occur.

Memis Acar, Professor of Mechanics interior Wolfson School of Mechanical, Electric powered and Manufacturing Engineering, said: “A Combined reactive seat and mind restraint system is designed to reduce the whiplash risk, in conjunction with a seat discouragement absorbing impact energy from the accidents. ”

Acar, any project leader, went on to mention who’s does this “by reducing the compared to motion between the head and the tórax and brining the head restraint nearer to the head before whiplash can take have an impact on. ”

The number of whiplash injury claims in the UK last year has been predicted to have reached 840, 1000, costing the insurance industry £ 4 billion.

Professor Acar said: “Although whiplash is categorised as a minor injury, symptoms may last a long time, impacting not only on the place’s health but also the economy.

“There is no other product the automotive market that integrates sorts of concepts. ” He continues to are saying: “What we are proposing is an economical design which lends itself in reality to mass production for all new car ranges. “

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