Do you normally become a target for road rage or frustration? Are you a target of tailgating, horn-honking and flashing highlights? If you become a target often you have to consider if it’s you causing the problem or are you oblivious to your actions and just blame others. The important thing to keep in mind when driving a vehicle is to transmit to other motorists what you intention is all the time. This might be tough, considering you cannot speak at length with other motorists to let them know what you are about to do, but there are numerous tools available. Let other motorists know what you are going to do. Below are strategies on how to avoid annoying other drivers.

Drive consistently

Do not speed up and reduce speed harshly for no reason, do not make one turn fast and next sluggish. Driving too slow for the conditions is encouraging other drivers into taking unnecessary risks by trying to get around you. Consistent driving whether being hostile or not, is the best way to let other motorists know what you are going to do subsequently. By driving inconsistently, you threaten the protection of others near you and risk road rage also.

Do not tailgate

It is quite pointless, highly irritating and quite risky. Most people have a mental reaction to tailgating that may cause them to reduce speed, and others will do it just to be indicated. If the car in front is moving gently in the overtaking lane, wait patiently. Do not flash your lights or tailgate because this is seen by many drivers as inconsiderate driving, very arrogant and aggressive. Please keep your 2 second time gap from the vehicle in front at all times.

Decelerate by using brake progressively when you need to use it

Regular tapping of the brake pedal can make drivers near you doubtful of whether you are really stopping. However, do not brake at the last possible moment. Give drivers behind you lots of time to observe that you are braking so to do likewise. The best time to start braking is when you discover the vehicles ahead of the one you are following are braking. Scanning the road ahead is critical to smooth and progressive braking.

Accelerate with purpose

This is not to say you must floor the gas and set off like angry. Just do not dawdle, particularly when the light changes to green, or when it is your turn at the give way sign. Whenever you are changing lanes, don’t reduce speed unless traffic requires it. In fact, accelerate a little bit, try to stay ahead of the traffic in the lane next to you. Mirrors, Signal, Position then Adjust your speed. Try not to slow down before positioning.

Focus on incoming traffic

Read the signs and road markings showing road layouts and junctions. When you have the chance, safely change lanes to your default lane to allow faster moving traffic to overtake you. This helps reduce bottlenecks and backups due to merging traffic that can’t enter the flow.

Show your gratitude

If another road user allows you out of a junction, gives you a lot of time to finish a turn in the road, or gestures you toward an open parking space, do the appropriate thing and acknowledge them with a nod, a smile or a small wave. This promotes good driver relations and acknowledging a good deed makes them more likely to do the same again.

In severe road traffic, choose a lane and be in it, although not the fast lane. Throughout many miles, almost all lanes go around the same speed. Unnecessary lane changing will never get you to your location any faster, and in the end only makes traffic get more slowly all round. It also increases the probability of a collision.

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Cambridge Driver Training

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