Initially it’s worth looking at Marmalade they do a fairly good insurance policy for young and/or inexperienced drivers. The advantage of Marmalade’s policy is that it runs side by side the existing policy holders insurance and doesn’t affect the existing policy holders insurance in the event of a claim. Definitely worth checking out You should have a look at Martin Lewis’s Money Saving Expert. He has quite a lot of information on car insurance for young drivers. Cut up to 35% of Car Insurance with Pass Plus. 5% of motorists have already been forced off the road by the rising cost of motoring according to research by MoneySupermarket.

In the case of young and newly qualified drivers this is mainly due to rising car insurance prices, with the average driver between the ages of 17 and 22 now paying £2,431 every year. This is 64% more than they would have paid 12 months ago for a similar policy according to the AA.

However, this doesn’t mean the end of the road for young drivers, with it being possible to shave up to 35% off your car insurance premiums with a pass plus qualification.

Reasons for price increases

An increase in the number of claims being made, for even minor incidents, has seen many insurance companies become unprofitable. In a desperate attempt to avoid this, insurers have been increasing the cost of their premiums; penalising the policy holders deemed to be the riskiest the most severely.

Unfortunately young and newly qualified motorists are statistically the most dangerous on the road, with teenage drivers been ten times more likely to be badly injured or killed in a road accident than someone over the age of 35. It is also estimated that 20% motorists will be involved in a road incident within the first year of passing their tests.

However, there is a way that you can use statistics in your favour. Completing a Pass Plus qualification through Driveaway School of Motoring will provide you with a wider range of experiences in a variety of situations; statistically making you far less likely to be involved in an accident and make a claim on your car insurance policy.

What is Pass Plus?

Pass Plus courses are available to anyone with a full UK driving licence. They have been designed by the DSA (Driving Standards Agency) in an attempt to help newly qualified motorists drive in situations they may not have experienced before under the tuition of a qualified driving instructor. This helps ensure that they have expert advice in how to deal with these situations which they can employ while driving
independently in the future.

There are currently six modules which must be completed by pupils in order to obtain a Pass Plus qualification, these include:

Town driving – tuition in how to deal with rush hour traffic and complex junctions.
All-weather driving – how to drive safely in extreme conditions such as heavy rain, fog or snow.
Driving out of town – learn how to control your speed and position your car while driving out of town on country roads.

Night driving – you will be taught the correct light settings to use in specific situations and how to judge distance while driving at night.

Dual carriageways – build up the skills you need to operate on a road with multiple lanes.

Motorways – the next level up from dual carriageways. You will be taught how to plan ahead, maintain distances and generally drive safely.

If you are worried about having to experience another test like you had during your practical driving exam, then
don’t. There will be no official test at the end of the course, but you will be monitored by your instructor throughout in order to make sure that you have reached the required levels of competency.

Bring down car insurance prices

Not all insurance companies will assign the same weight to a Pass Plus qualification. However, it has been known for some insurers to provide discounts of up to 35% which translates into a potential saving of over £850 for the average young driver between the ages of 17 and 22. By making you a safer driver, Pass Plus could also make you a richer person.

However, there are an increasing number of avenues now being opened to younger drivers who simply can not afford to pay for a policy under normal circumstances. One of which is ‘Pay-as-you-go’ cover, where a black box is fitted to a vehicle and the motorist simply pays an agreed amount to the insurer for each mile that they travel. This has been specifically designed to help young drivers who are unable to meet the demands of conventional annual premiums. For more information on this and for more car insurance money saving tips, please visit the young drivers car insurance page.


Marmalade Learner stacked - V2 Marmalade New Driver stacked - v2

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Cambridge Driver Training

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